States Meeting - 12 November 2024 - Afternoon - Tuesday 12 November 2024, 2:15pm - States of Jersey Webcasting
States Meeting - 12 November 2024 - Afternoon
Tuesday, 12th November 2024 at 2:15pm
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Debate - Draft Family Division Registrar (Change of Status and Title) (Jersey) Law 202-. (P.56/2024)
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Deputy Mary Le Hegarat
Deputy Mary Le Hegarat
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Agenda item :
Debate - Draft Royal Court and Stamp Duties and Fees (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-. (P.67/2024)
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Deputy Elaine Millar
Deputy Sir Philip Bailhache
Deputy Sir Philip Bailhache
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Deputy Elaine Millar
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Deputy Elaine Millar
Deputy Elaine Millar
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Agenda item :
Debate - Pets in rental properties. (P.70/2024)
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Deputy Catherine Curtis
Deputy David Warr
Deputy Sam Mézec
Deputy Steve Ahier
Deputy Philip Ozouf
HM Attorney General
Deputy Barbara Ward
Connétable of St. Mary
Deputy Catherine Curtis
Deputy Moz Scott
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Deputy Tom Coles
Connétable of St. Peter
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Presiding Officer
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Presiding Officer
Connétable of St. Peter
Deputy Inna Gardiner
Deputy Steve Luce
Deputy Elaine Millar
Deputy Alex Curtis
Deputy Malcolm Ferey
Deputy Kirsten Morel
Deputy Max Andrews
Deputy David Warr
Deputy Catherine Curtis
Agenda item :
Debate - (In-Committee) - ‘Make States Old Age Pensions exempt from Tax’
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Connétable of St. Martin
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Deputy Moz Scott
Webcast Finished